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xDMM heeft een productfout geïdentificeerd bij haar swivels die onder specifieke omstandigheden een veiligheidsrisico kunnen veroorzaken. Als je de producten uit onderstaande bericht in gebruik hebt stel ze dan direct op non actief en meld je gebruik bij DMM. Zij komen dan later met vervolgstappen.
2nd November 2022
We have been made aware of a near-miss incident involving the failure of a DMM Director connector (A647BS) that parted at the swivel assembly. The user was unhurt.
Our investigation has identified a product fault that, under certain circumstances, may allow the swivel assembly to unscrew and subsequently part.
The same swivel assembly is used in the following products, and as such we are issuing a recall for all items that share this assembly.
This recall affects all units in circulation including all colour variants (not shown below) as of the date of this recall.
Note: shackles are standalone product parts so do not use serial numbers or product codes (SW410 or SW420) marked on the shackles.
We have issued this notice ASAP for user safety reasons. We are currently finalising our returns and corrective action plan. If you have any of the products please register for the recall process by clicking here to provide details of you and your products. We will then be in touch with updates.
Frequently asked questions can be found here.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. Product integrity and user safety are our highest priorities, and we are working hard to resolve this situation. Thanks for your understanding and support.
This information is also available to download as a PDF.